Screen-free downtime for KIDS

Screen-free downtime for Kids- is that possible?

Kids today are busier than ever with jam-packed schedules. This includes school and homework to play dates, birthday parties and multiple sporting ventures. Then there are the ever-present lure of screens. This can seem like the perfect option when parents need some peaceful minutes to complete everything from household chores to work calls.

Time lazing on the couch watching Netflix or playing video games might seem like downtime. However these activities still require children to be fully engaged. Too much screen-time overstimulates kids instead of giving them the break they need to chill out. So if true downtime does not involve screens, what actually is downtime you ask? daydreaming… creative play… taking a bath… arts and craft… walking in nature… reading a book… playing a card game…

What is downtime?

Downtime is a time to relax and to not do too much. You can think of downtime as simply playtime without any structured activities that involve rules and directions. When play is unstructured, children are free to do what interests them without any guidelines set in place.

Downtime is an opportunity for kids to be kids. Whatever it is your child chooses to do, the point of downtime is to enhance creativity, imagination, executive functioning and social skills

Activities for downtime can be anything that interests your child, gives them the freedom to choose what they want to do and uses the brain and body in different ways. Whatever it is your child chooses to do, the point of downtime is to enhance creativity, imagination, executive functioning and social skills,” explains Plumb.

Things like playing outside, daydreaming, creative play, taking a bath, arts and craft, walking in nature, reading a book and playing a card game are all examples of downtime.



Kids need downtime to play with HulaHoops.

Why do kids need downtime?

While parents have been guilted into thinking that good parenting comes with exposing our children to endless opportunities, this over-scheduling can lead to stress and anxiety. Children need time to rest, relax and recharge. Downtime allows your child’s brain the break it needs to consolidate memories, revive focus and renew the drive to learn. It is also vital for all aspects of your child’s development.

“For your child’s cognitive, academic, social and emotional development, downtime is vital. Giving your child the time and space to have downtime enables them to develop self-determination where they express their own wants and needs. Kids develop best if they are free to create, use their imagination and explore the world around them,” says Plumb.


Free time or that feeling of “being bored” also helps children to learn how to manage their feelings.



Free time or that feeling of “being bored” also helps children to learn how to manage their feelings. This time teaches children the ability to occupy themselves without relying on others to amuse them, while also giving them the ability to cope with uncomfortable feelings like impatience5. Children who are constantly occupied with structured activities don’t have the time to engage in problem-solving like children who experience downtime.

How much downtime do kids need?

A little bit of downtime each day is recommended for all kids. However, exactly how much they need depends on a few things7.

“In terms of how much downtime is needed on a daily basis, depends on the age of the child, the amount of structure they already have in their lives and the competing demands of sticking to a routine,” explains Plumb.

“Generally though, the younger the child, the less they need an itinerary of structured activities.”


Downtime from screens can include playing basketball.

How to schedule in downtime

Downtime isn’t something that just happens – we need to schedule it in. Creating regular and frequent time for children to unwind is essential for keeping them in balance. Each day set a limit on screen time and encourages your children to spend some time outside each day. You could also set up a special place like a reading corner to encourage relaxation.

Establish a household rule of quiet time before bed where you children can either read a book or draw quietly. This is a great way for the whole family to reduce stimulation and get ready for bed.

As parents, we should lead by example and make downtime a priority. Children tend to mimic the adults around them, so if we want our children to participate in regular downtime, we need to take the time to relax.

“This can be done by organising a relaxing outing as a family, chatting to your child about how much better you feel when you get your own downtime, or even making appointments for downtime if your current schedule is that jam-packed,” explains Plumb.

Children tend to mimic the adults around them, so if we want our children to participate in regular downtime, we need to take the time to relax.



Get away from screens and read books.

When you make downtime a priority, you show your little people the importance of having unstructured time each day where they get to take the time to follow their own interests and just be.

It isn’t always easy to protect this downtime so parents need to remain vigilant in making sure their children have space to take a breath and relax. Give yourself and your children permission to enjoy free play each day.

"Play together. Play alone. But make sure you play. Your mental health depends on it."