What is Screen Addiction?

Does this scenario look familiar?

Do you or your child easily succumb to the glow of a screen, or the chirp of a newly arrived text?

If you do, then you are part of one of the most significant cultural phenomenons in human history  –  screen addiction.

When you offer two hours of screen time and that two hours is up, and whining and complaining ensue…your children may be addicted. If children fight over and cannot agree on a movie to watch, screen time addiction may be present. When your children consistently ask or try to bargain for more screen time, your children may be addicted to the screen. When your children have poor attitudes and often fight with one another, this, too, can be caused by too much screen time (withdraw effects).

Read on for more information on this 21st Century problem, and watch the video below that looks at children’s lives today compared with those of previous generations. How would you like your children to remember their childhood?

Nine  Symptoms of  Screen Addiction:

1. The addicted person spends less time with family and friends. They would rather spend their time in a virtual or remote world than face to face with those in their presence. They are resentful of interruptions or invitations that disturb their screen time.

2. A game-obsessed person declines social invitations so they can continue playing video games.

3. They lie to others about how much time they spend online or on devices.

4. Time spent with virtual friends is greater than time spent with actual friends and family.

5. There are frequent conflicts with family and friends over screen time. Arguments and tension are present daily, with lots of anger expressed, and directed mainly toward those closest and most interested in the addicted person’s welfare.

6. They blame others for problems caused by excessive use of the Internet, gaming, chatting/messaging/texting.

7. They deny they have a problem that is obvious to others.

8. They waste great amounts of time without awareness, stealing from the relationships with others.

9. They break promises and commitments to stop excessive use of devices. They hide their usage, often sneaking and finding ways to feed their addiction. They lose the trust of those that love them.

Are some or all of these symptoms present in your loved ones? Read more about the effects screen time can have on their health, relationships, and well-being.

Will anyone play with me?

Societal changes in how we communicate — via social media in the world of 24/7 Internet — can also lead to new pressures not faced by previous generations, say experts.
Today’s generation of children and teens live in two universes.  One is real life but they also live in a digital social world. An emerging trend is that kids as young as 5 years old have an over dependence on social media and digital connectivity.

The video to the right looks at how three generations spent their time as children. What would you want for your child?