FAQ – Frequently Asked Questions

Your questions answered

How do i know if my child is addicted to his iPad?

Your child can't control their screen use. ...
Loss of interest in other activities. ...
It preoccupies their thoughts. ...
It interferes with socializing. ...
Your kid shows signs of withdrawal. ...
Their tolerance is increasing. ...
They're deceptive about it.

“It’s not just about limiting screen time; it’s about teaching kids to develop good habits in real life As well as managing their screen time.”

How do I stop screen addiction?

Review your own media habits and plan time for alternative play and activities. Encourage daily “screen-free” times. Turn off your own screens when they are not in use (including background TV). Avoid screens at least one hour before bedtime and discourage recreational screen use in bedrooms.

Does screen time affect the developing brain?

Excessive screen time (e.g., more than 2–3 h exposure to electronic media including television, computers, and mobile electronic devices) can affect the developing brain which has important consequences for cognitive and motor development, learning and memory, emotional regulation, and overall health.

Screen time impacts both parents and children alike


Paris is for everyone. you can even find gluten-free restaurants and markets.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Maecenas sloed odio eget tellus facilisis cursus. Integer efficitur volutpat nisli utra quis tristique tellus tincidunt vel alora toldo soler akoma shelly.


Concerts and outdoor opera events are happening all year long. it's an amazing experience.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Maecenas sloed odio eget tellus facilisis cursus. Integer efficitur volutpat nisli utra quis tristique tellus tincidunt vel alora toldo soler akoma shelly.


Are there positive effects of screen time?

With moderation, there are some benefits of screen time to children: educational value and school-related homework and research, playing video games can improve motor skills and coordination. internet tools, texting, and shared video games are easy and fun ways to socialize and communicate.


Dogs are welcome. you can find great parks and stores just for your little friend

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Maecenas sloed odio eget tellus facilisis cursus. Integer efficitur volutpat nisli utra quis tristique tellus tincidunt vel alora toldo soler akoma shelly.


be polite and patient. try to enjoy the people and the atmosphere of Paris.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Maecenas sloed odio eget tellus facilisis cursus. Integer efficitur volutpat nisli utra quis tristique tellus tincidunt vel alora toldo soler akoma shelly.

Smile and enjoy Paris. take a long walk around and talk to people.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Maecenas sed odio eget tellus facilis cursus. Integer efficitur volutpat nisl, quis tristique tellus tincidunt Interdum ellt male suada fames ac ante ipsum primis invel ornare dui tristiq.